Healthy Pancakes


It has been a while since I wanted to share with you my favorite brunch recipe. I don't know why I didn't do it before, maybe to keep it to myself, but since a brunch is all about sharing, I have decided on this saturday evening to share this perfect healthy recipe with you in order to be ready for tomorrow morning. This recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and all the healthy bla-bla words you want, literally worth getting up early! No seriously, you can have no regret eating all the batter, these pancakes are pack with ingredients that are good for your body and mind. As now a morning ritual, I obviously choose to add maca into the recipe in order to give an extra taste but also to bring energy and boost your metabolism. I also add vanilla and a pinch of cinnamon to bring a sweet healthy taste. But clearly this recipe is made out of 3 ingredients: almond milk (which can be any dairy-free milk you want) almond flour (which can be any gluten-free flour you cant) and 2 eggs. If you choose to make them vegan, you can substitute the eggs by flax seeds, chia seeds or even a ripe banana. This is for a basic recipe. To bring a bit of craziness to your sunday morning, while cooking your pancake and before flipping it, add slices of banana (or any fruit you like) directly on the batter with a bit of dark chocolate chips, wait 30 seconds and hop time to flip on the other side. Use coconut oil to cook them, it brings a fantastic healthy extra taste to the pancakes! 

Healthy pancakes 10 because it's sunday - Preparation 10 minutes because you're hungry

  • 210 grams of almond flour 
  • 180 ml of almond milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of maca powder
  • 3 teaspoons of cinnamon
  • 1 vanilla bean extract 


  •  1 banana sliced 
  • 1 handful of dark chocolate chips
  • 1 tablespoon of maple syrup
  • Coconut oil  
  1. Mix together the wet ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Mix together the dry ingredients in another bowl.
  3. Combine the two bowls together and mix well.
  4. On medium heat, add a bit of coconut oil into the sauce pan and start making your pancakes. (You can now add the slices of bananas and chocolate chips)
  5. Once your 10 pancakes done, add maple syrup on the top, slices of banana and chocolate chips to decorate the plate (and make your tummy happy)
  6. Happy sunday & happy brunch to everyone!