Good Morning MiamôFruits

It's Monday, first day of the week and also first post on my blog. As a day never starts without breakfast, I would like to share with you what is part of my morning routine : Le MiamôFruits. Since a friend of mine made me discover it, I cannot imagine my breakfast without it, except on sunday, it's brunch day.

Le MiamôFruits is a breakfast routine created by France Guillain. Famous for her travels around the world, her books and methodology about how to eat healthy and have a harmonious life; this breakfast is a great source of energy. I'd like to call it the champions' breakfast especially since another friend of mine, an athletics champion, felt all the benefits. 

The goodness of this breakfast, if possible prepared with organic products: 

- It regenerates and activates cells and allows to reconstitute fluid fats 
- It gets vitamins C in quantity and the lemon is also a great 
- It helps to capture the free radicals (part of the colza oil)
- Its allows the assimilation of proteins, micro-nutriments and minerals (the banana, but only when it is smashed well, oxidized)
- It allows to fix the calcium (part to the sesame) 
- It feeds the cells membranes which are composed of 60% of fat (omega). So, when membranes are in good condition, they can fight virus more easily. 
- It feeds, thanks to the oil and the fat contained in seeds, the brain cells, our invaluable ally

All these benefits can only be valuable if well prepared (not changing the recipe at all) and if each ingredient is well chewed and salivated properly, which means taking at least 20 minutes to eat it. 


  • 1/2 banana smashed with a fork until liquid and slightly brown        
  • 2 tablespoons of organic colza oil,  turn it with a fork until the oil do mix well 
  • 2 tablespoon of flax seeds and sesame seed finely crushed  
  • 1 tablespoon of a mix of 3 other crushed seeds (cajou, groundnut, nut, hazelnut, sunflower, almond, brazil nuts... not grilled and not salted)
  • 2 teaspoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice 
  • Once well combined all together, add three sorts of fruits minimum cut in pieces: apple, pear, kiwi, papaya, mango, litchi, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry, passion fruit, dragon fruit, black currant, currant, plum, cherry, peach, apricot... Except orange, grapefruit, watermelon, melon (they are too fast to digest but can be consumed at another moment) and no dried fruits (prunes, grapes...) 
  • Make it a beautiful plate and bon appétit!

