Sea bream Green Curry

French - The weather has been so unpredictable these last days that meal planning has become kind of difficult. One day it's sunny and warm and the only meal you wanna eat is a salad and the next day it is all gray and wet and you will dream for a big warm meal. And yesterday was one of these in-between days, sunny but so cold that comfort food is always a good idea. But how to combine comfort food, healthy and hosting a dinner for 6 people? (yeah, I've been receiving family) I thought chicken curry would suit the best for the comfort food and dinner party parts but for the healthy part, it was not what I was looking for. Therefore, I tried to improve the basic recipe by removing and adding some ingredients. I changed the rice for quinoa, I found the rice too heavy on the stomach and quinoa is always a good option to not feel stuffed at the end of a meal; chicken for sea bream, fishes are always more digest and healthier; and classic curry for green curry. I also add a mango to the recipe to go along with the coconut milk. And I have to admit the mix of everything was really good, it brings a bit of exoticism to this Parisian weather, was healthy and perfect as a main dish for dinner to still have some place for the dessert. 

So here is the recipe for 6 people: Preparation: 45 minutes

  • 1kg whole sea bream (ask the fish merchant to make you fillets and to take out bones) and then cut it in small cubes
  • 500 grams quinoa 
  • 250 ml coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 2 shallots, chopped
  • 1 bunch fresh coriander, chopped (left 6 leaves some for the presentation)
  • 10 grams ginger, finely chopped
  • 5 tablespoons green curry paste (according to your taste, it's spicy!)
  • 1 mango, cutted in baby cubes
  • 100 ml of water 
  • Salt & pepper
  1. On medium heat, add water to a big pan and bring the water to a boil. 
  2. Add the quinoa and cook it for 20 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, on a sauce pan, on medium heat, add the coconut oil. Once warm enough, add the shallots and garlic, cook for 3 minutes. 
  4. Pour 200 ml of coconut milk, 50 ml of water and 3 tablespoons of green curry paste. Mix well to combine and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Add the ginger and coriander to the sauce pan and cook for 10 minutes. 
  6. Pour the remaining coconut milk (50 ml), water (50 ml) and green curry paste (2 tablespoons left, once again according to your taste). Cook for 5 minutes. 
  7. And add the mango and the sea bream. Mix well to combine and cook until the sea bream is ready, should take about 7 minutes. 
  8. Once the quinoa is cooked, pour out the excess of water and serve a cup (or two) of quinoa on each plate. 
  9. Put the sea bream curry next to it, add a bit of sauce on top of the quinoa, add some fresh coriander, salt and pepper for seasoning and family diner is ready!  
Sea bream green curry